
Colloque: Les futurs rêvés des morts


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Monday 03 May 2021 14:00 Fin : Tuesday 04 May 2021 - 18:00


Affiche les futurs reves des morts v7 progBisColloque Les futurs rêvés des morts

programme MECMI

LUNDI 3 MAI 2021
15h30-18h Nanterre / 9h30-12h Montréal

• 15h30-16h / 9h30-10h
Les futurs rêvés des morts en migration
Carolina Kobelinsky (CNRS/LESC) et Lilyane Rachédi (UQAM)

• 16h-18h / 10h-12h
Living at the border until death*
Michel Agier (EHESS/IRD)

*partenariat avec Viadrina Institute for European Studies of
the European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder, Lecture
Series: Life and Death at the European Borders


MARDI 4 MAI 2021
15h-18h Nanterre / 9h-12h Montréal
• 15h-15h45 / 9h-9h45
Modération : Carolina Kobelinsky (CNRS/LESC)

Faire une place aux morts au sein du LAO
Caroline Coulomb, Karim Fedji, Jean-Hughes Lamy, Laetitia Marquie (intervenant.e.s dans un centre d’accueil pour mineurs non
accompagnés en région parisienne)

Ce que les morts font faire aux vivants et ce que les vivants disent des morts : expériences de deuil en migration et transferts
des connaissances dans les milieux Rachédi, Lilyane (UQAM), Catherine Montgomery (UQAM), Josiane Le Gall (UQAM), Amélia Leon (UQAM), Javorka Sarenac Zivanovic (UQAM), José Alavez (Concordia).

Discussion : Edward Ou Jin Lee (Université de Montréal)


15h45-16h10 / 9h45-10h10

Modération : Lilyane Rachédi (UQAM)

Rapatrier les âmes amères d’un pays disparu. Prise en charge des morts coloniaux entre Japon et Corée
Florence Galmiche (Université de Paris/ CRC)

Discussion : Grégory Delaplace (Université Paris Nanterre/LESC)

• 16h10-16h20 / 10h10-10h20

• 16h20-17h05 / 10h20-11h05

Modération : Jordi Moreras (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

« Au nom des morts ». Gestion collective des défunt.es tadjik.es en Russie
Juliette Cleuziou (Université Lumières Lyon 2/LADEC)

« Mor n’est pas mort » : Mobilisations politiques autour de morts violentes de migrants sénégalais en Espagne
Félicien de Heusch (Université de Liège)

Discussion : Françoise Lestage (Université de Paris/URMIS)

• 17h05-18h / 11h05-12h
Marc-Antoine Berthod (Haute école de travail social et de la santé, Lausanne)

The program MECMI, Morts en contexte de migration, Deaths in the Context of Migration, aims to document and examine the material, legal, institutional, associative, familial, moral, and emotional dimensions of death during migration. This presumes to fully integrate death into the phenomenon of migration, both as a reality and as a potentiality of multiple effects. The main issue of the program is twofold, putting two questions rarely associated in scientific literature into conversation, while still drawing upon a multidisciplinary, heterogenous corpus of research. It also endeavours to build a network of researchers, which, at this point in time, does not exist in either Québec or France.

The research is organized around three themes:

  1. The management of deaths in the migratory context
    This theme endeavours to study the mobility of deaths in following the spatial trajectory of bodies (under both physical and symbolic forms), whether they stay in the receiving country or whether they travel back to their country of origin or elsewhere. Throughout the journeys of the deceased, this project examines the roles, motivations, and practices of the actors involved in the material and symbolic treatment of death. To study the management of deaths necessitates the question of the attempts to identify the bodies of “unknown” migrants at borders just as much as it necessities questions about the management of funerary spaces or policies of places of memory. The political and symbolic reach of the cadaver’s mobility constitutes a key dimension of this theme, as well as international funerary legislation, with its multitude of administrative and legal rules.
  2. Imaginations of death in migration
    This theme focuses on accounts about the relationship between migrants and death during their migration – whether it be foreseeing their death in the receiving country (due to a grave illness or old age) or thinking about the eventuality of death throughout the crossing of borders. Reflection on the possibility of death involves lingering on the temporal dimension that emerges in migrants’ projects. . This theme strives to articulate representations of death with migrants’ conceptions of destiny and religious beliefs, in linking them with generational and gendered aspects. Finally, this theme also questions the contours of death that appear when migrant stories report grave illness, examining principally the moral dilemmas and ethical questions that can appear.
  3. The accompaniment of the bereaved in the migratory context
    Here, the focus is directed on the work of accompaniment/care/support undertaken by deceased migrants families and close ones. Services, both public and private, and several institutions and actors (here and elsewhere) come together as to offer a support – material, psychological, social – to dying migrants and their families. It also studies the accompaniment/support/care of the bereaved, not only in terms of experience, but in terms of knowledges and practices that are developed, transmitted, and transformed within networks of proximity and transnational networks, (in the country of origin and elsewhere) to support the bereaved. This theme examines their formal and informal quotidian practices in focusing on the diversity of sense of these practices, the representations of death that they emit, and of the nature and form of the established links between migrants and their families.

Juliette Cleuziou (Lesc), Grégory Delaplace (Université Paris Nanterre–Lesc), Béatrice Halsouet (Uqam), Nicolas Lambert (CNRS–Riate), Josiane Le Gall (CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de l’île de Montréal), Françoise Lestage (Université Paris Diderot–Urmis), Catherine Montgomery (Uqam), Jordi Moreras (Université Rovira i Virgili), Ariadna Solé Arraràs (Universidad de Barcelona)


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