Liminal utterances: organizers & partner institutions
Coordination: Estelle AMY DE LA BRETÈQUE (CREM-LESC/CNRS, France)
Scientific committee
Bernd BRABEC DE MORI (University of Music and Performing Arts, Austria)
Junzo KAWADA (Kanagawa University, Japan)
Kati SZEGO (Memorial University of Newfoundland - Executive Board member of ICTM, Canada)
Stephen WILD (Australian National University - Vice President of ICTM, Australia)
Local organization committee
Susanne FÜRNISS (MNHN/CNRS, president of the French Society for Ethnomusicology)
Andrea-Luz GUTIERREZ-CHOQUEVILCA (EPHE/LAS - Collège de France)
Victor A. STOICHITA (Director of the Research Center for Ethnomusicology – CREM-LESC/CNRS)
With additional help from: Loré Ajirent-Sagaspe, Éline Breton, Sisa Calapi, Preciosa Dombele, Laurence Lemaur (ethnomusicology students at UPO) and Iris Lemaître (student in Librarian Studies, UPO).
Partner institutions
The International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) is a Non Governmental Organisation in formal consultative relations with UNESCO. Its aims are to further the study, practice, documentation, preservation and dissemination of traditional music and dance of all countries. To these ends the Council organises World Conferences, Symposia and Colloquia. The Council also promotes these goals by publishing the Yearbook for Traditional Music, distributing the online Bulletin of the ICTM, and maintaining a rich Online Membership Directory. By means of its wide international representation and the activities of its Study Groups, the International Council for Traditional Music acts as a bond among peoples of different cultures.
The Research Center in Ethnomusicology (CREM) is heir to the former Ethnomusicology Department of the Musée de l’Homme (1929-2008), and has been part of the Research Team in Ethnology and Comparative Sociology (LESC – UMR 7186) since 2007. The CREM is dedicated to the study of musical practices and knowledge worldwide.
Based on ethnography and a systematic collection of musical data, its approach pertains to an anthropology of music conceived in its socio-cultural, aesthetic, formal, acoustic, kinesthetic and cognitive dimensions. The Center investigates new research topics such as the embodiment of musical and choreographic skills, the cultural and cognitive production of musical emotion, the interconnectedness of sensory modalities, the ecology of sonic environments, the construction and emergence of musical systems. Its researchers also create new modalities of musical representation, such as their “listening clues” (clés d’écoute) : these multimedia devices guide the general public towards crucial aspects of specific musical expressions.
The CREM manages a large collection of sound archives inherited from the Musée de l’Homme and accumulated over more than a century. With more than 4,000 hours of unpublished fieldwork recordings and about 4,000 hours of published documents, these archives of great patrimonial value are made available online through the collaborative platform Telemeta. The collections are constantly nourished through the researchers’ fieldwork. The recordings are used as materials for new research, as preparation for new fieldwork, and for the training of graduate students.
CREM researchers, lecturers and professors hold important responsibilities at the Anhropology department of Paris Ouest Nanterre – La Défense University, as well as at the Musicology Department of Paris 8 – St Denis University. Numerous graduate students from these universities are members of the CREM, which offers them a stimulating scientific and logistic environment.
The ANR project DIADEMS (Description, Indexation, et Accès aux Documents Ethnomusicologiques et Sonores) is a partnership between several teams dealing with acoustics, ethnolinguistics and ethnomusicological documents, and informaticians. The laboratory of Ethnology and Comparative Sociology (LESC) including the research center of ethnomusicology (CREM) and the center of teaching and research in American Indian ethnology (EREA) as well as the laboratory of anthropology of National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) are dealing with the need to index the audio archives they manage, while keeping track of the contents, which is a long, fastidious and expensive task. Since 2007, as no open-source application exists on the market to access the audio data recorded by researchers, the CREM-LESC, the LAM and the sound archives of the MNHN began the conception of an innovate and collaborative tool that answers the trade needs (linked to the documents temporal span), while being adapted to the researchers requirements.
With financial support from the CNRS Très Grand Equipement (TGE), ADONIS and the Mnistry of culture, the Telemeta platform, developed by Parisson, is online since May 2011 ( On this platform, basic signal analysis tools are already available, It is however mandatory to have a set of advanced and innovative tools for automatic or semi-automatique indexing of this audio data, that includes sometimes long recordings, with quite heterogeneous content and quality. The aim of the DIADEMS project is to supply some of these tools, to integrate them into Telemeta, while also satisfying specific user needs related to ergonomy and accest rights management.
L'école doctorale « Milieux, cultures et sociétés du passé et du présent » associe un ensemble de disciplines : Archéologie, Ethnologie- Préhistoire-Ethnomusicologie, Géographie, Aménagement-urbanisme, Histoire, Histoire de l'Art, Langues et Lettres anciennes. Elle regroupe 9 équipes de recherche entre lesquelles se répartissent quelque 460 doctorants et 105 directeurs de thèse. Elle assure 3 missions au sein de l'Université : pédagogique — organisation des enseignements doctoraux et suivi des doctorants, soutien à la professionnalisation ; organisationnelle — budget, contrats doctoraux, a politique de financement des thèses mais aussi de veille au respect de la charte des thèses de l'université ; animation de la recherche — recherche de convergences entre les programmes des unités de recherche de manière à définir de grandes orientations thématiques.
La Société française d’ethnomusicologie (SFE) est une société savante dont la mission est d'encourager, de soutenir et de promouvoir la réflexion sur les musiques du monde. La SFE, est aussi un réseau d’experts, actifs au sein d’institutions comme l’Unesco, les musées, les festivals ou les médias (presse écrite, radios, TV, internet), qui contribuent ainsi à la connaissance et à la diffusion des expressions artistiques et culturelles de l’humanité. Elle est l’organe représentatif de l’ICTM en France.