Consortium of Ethnologists’ Archives
The Consortium of Ethnologists’ Archives strives to support researchers, projects, and research libraries in the conservation, treatment, enhancement, and availability of materials produced during ethnographic missions and related to anthropological fieldwork.
The consortium endeavours to identify the specific issues facing ethnologists concerning the singularity of their data, the patrimonial and scientific significance of their field materials, and the richness and diversity of the societies they observe.
It’s objective is to improve the identification of and access to these materials and to make them available in compliance with intellectual property and ethical standards.
Since 2011, measures taken by consortium have enabled:
- A growing professionalization of archival work (collection, classification, description, indexation, production of inventories) of partner libraries
- A significant work in identifying and locating field sites and collections
- The appropriation of effective digitization practices for a wide variety of analogue carriers
- Thorough reflection on legal and ethical questions concerning the production and dissemination of research data
- Converging efforts in data and metadata standardization, their interoperability and their dissemination
- The merging of a significant number of collections with common origins (archives of French researchers) on cultural areas
- A commitment to long-term archiving of numerical data
- Integration of participatory scientific projects. Transcrire:
Consortium members are regularly consulted in archive research projects (UMR, ateliers et formation, ANR, Labex, Dariah).
- Institut des mondes africains
- Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique
- Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l’Océanie
- Centre d’études himalayennes
- Institut de recherches asiatiques
- Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative
- Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
- MMSH-Phonothèque