Remember Me
The Consortium of Ethnologists’ Archives strives to support researchers, projects, and research libraries in the conservation, treatment, enhancement, and availability of materials produced during ethnographic missions and related to anthropological fieldwork. The consortium endeavours to identify ...
The Calypso Rhythm Throughout History: A Data Science Approach The project DaCaRyH strives to enrich the pracrice of ethnomusicology in bringing traditional music repertoires together with Music Information Retrieval (MIR) technologies and techniques. DaCaRyH also aims to respond to Big Data ...
Designed as a platform for archiving and consultation, as well as a tool of analysis for a research project on organological development, Pan-e-pedia seeks to portray the stunning diversity of a recent instrument family: steelpans. Constructed from one to twelve petrol cans for one musician and ...
The research group “Anthropology of the Night” brings together researchers from multiple disciplines with the aim of contributing to the construction of the “night” as an anthropological object of study. The night, a physical phenomenon of varying duration according to geographical position and ...
Indigenous Wayana- Apalaí knowledge – A new approach to restitution and its implications for forms of transmission The goal of this project is the empowerment and restitution to the Wayanas and Apalaís of sound, film, and photographic collections documenting the knowledge of these indigenous ...
Prediction is an interdisciplinary project (incorporating archaeology, ethnology, ethnohistory) on the change and collective decision-making in times of crisis during classic, colonial, and post-colonial periods in Mayan societies. The project endeavours to elucidate collective actions over the ...
Germ : Group for the Teaching and Research on Mayans and Mesoamerica The Germ (Groupe d’enseignement et de recherche sur les Mayas et la Mésoamérique) is a research group specialized in Mayan studies and Mesoamerica. It was founded with the aim of bringing together researchers from various fields ...
Creating, Destroying, Transforming in Mesoamerica: The Modalities of Ritual Actions and their Inscriptions in Time This International Research Group (GDRI) joins together European, Mexican, and American partners, who reflect on the temporal dimension of ritual activity in past and contemporary ...
The Fabric of Heritage: Memory, Knowledge, and Politics in Indigenous America Today This project elaborates a comparative reflection on the avatars of the exogenous notion of “cultural heritage” in Amerindian societies, the ways in which these societies take possession of their “heritage”, and the ...
Program “Elder masters and new generations of religious specialists in China today: ethnographic fieldwork on daily life and anthropology of social change” This research program concerns the daily lives of Chinese religious specialists today, more specifically in the context of the massive changes ...
Sound-Space is an interdisciplinary project of University Paris-Lumières which gathers ethnomusicologists from LESC-CREM (UMR, CNRS-UPN with musicologists of EA 1572 (Musidance, Paris 8). The project proposes an interdisciplinary approach (drawing upon ethnomusicology, musicology, architecture, ...
Risks, Perceptions, and Life Histories: Socio-anthropological approaches in the Estarreja/Aveiro Context (Portugal) From the chemical products industrial site of Estarreja to the Rede Natura 20000 protected lagoon of Aveiro, life history collections, whether from the factory or the surrounding ...