[English version below]
Anthony Stavrianakis est chercheur au CNRS (depuis 2015). Ses travaux portent sur la logique de l'enquête anthropologique dans les sciences, et sur des questions liées au savoir, à la vérité et la subjectivité dans les domaines de la médecine, de l'art et de la psychanalyse. Il a travaillé avec Paul Rabinow à UC Berkeley lors de sa recherche doctorale (2006-2012), un travail de terrain sur différentes expériences de collaboration entre les sciences humaines et les biosciences autour des avancées de la bio-ingénierie (en Suisse et aux États-Unis). Il a ensuite écrit une série d'ouvrages avec Rabinow (entre 2013 et 2021) sur l'enquête anthropologique concernant les pratiques de la science (principalement la biologie et la bio-ingénierie) et des arts (des essais sur Salman Rushdie, Francisco Goya, et David Foster Wallace). De 2013 à 2023, il a travaillé sur deux projets concernant la mort et la maladie : le premier portait sur le suicide assisté en Suisse (2013-2019), et le second sur la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (terrain en Californie), une maladie neurodégénérative (2019-2021). Il se préoccupe aujourd'hui des liens et des points aveugles entre l'anthropologie et la psychanalyse, en analysant les actes de création de personnes en souffrance psychique.
Anthony Stavrianakis is a researcher at the CNRS (since 2015). His work focuses on the logic of anthropological inquiry into the sciences (broadly conceived), and on issues related to knowledge, truth, and subjectivity in medicine, art, and psychoanalysis (more specifically). He worked with Paul Rabinow at UC Berkeley during his doctoral research (2006-2012), doing fieldwork on different experiences of collaboration between the humanities and the biosciences around advances in bioengineering (in Switzerland and the United States). He then wrote a series of books with Rabinow (between 2013 and 2021) about anthropological inquiry into the practices of science (mainly biology and bioengineering) and the arts (essays on Salman Rushdie, Francisco Goya, and David Foster Wallace). From 2013 to 2023, he worked on two projects on dying and living with incurable illness: the first on the act of assisted suicide in Switzerland (2013-2019), and the second on living with a neurodegenerative disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fieldwork in California, 2019-2021). He is now concerned with the links and blind spots between anthropology and psychoanalysis, analyzing the creative acts of people suffering with mental illness. His latest book (forthcoming in 2024 from Cornell University Press), Crucible of the Incurable asks how people live with a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, how they are supported, and how those who care for them provide aid or even solace.
2018-2021, Projet ANR (ANR-17-CE36-0007), VitalMortel, avec Laurence Tessier, « Le Mourant Et Son Milieu: Analyse comparative des manières de vivre et de mourir avec des maladies neurodégénératives en France et Californie »
2022-2023, Labex Les Passés dans le présent, Anthropo-topologies : expérimentations cartographiques aux frontières du son, de la voix, de l'image
Le projet « Anthropo-topologies » (ANTHROPO-TOPO) vise à tester l’application d’une méthode expérimentale à de nouveaux objets de recherches. Conçue à la frontière de l’anthropologie et du design, cette méthode dite « d’onto-cartographie » consiste à produire une méta-modélisation des relations qui président à la fabrication et à l’existence d’un objet donné. En croisant deux terrains, à la frontière de la littérature contemporaine, de l’anthropologie médicale et des arts contemporains et médiévaux, nous proposerons deux ressources pour cette expérimentation : la première, littéraire, des poésies sonores et concrètes ; la seconde, thérapeutique et clinique, de l’art brut et de l’art thérapie.
équipe : Marc-Antoine Berthod, Dolores Angela Castelli Dransart, Anthony Stavrianakis, Alexandre Pillonel
Crucible of the Incurable concerns how people face life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Anthony Stavrianakis spent a year in clinics and with people living with the illness in the United States. He examines the multiple meanings of care in a context of a chronic, degenerative, one-hundred percent fatal, neuromuscular illness, whose most common duration is between two and five years. How do people diagnosed with ALS continue to "live as well as possible, for as long as possible" in accordance with the normative work at the heart of outpatient ALS care? Crucible of the Incurable shows how those touched by the situation of a person living with ALS bear this problem and this task. Given the sense of certitude around the diagnosis, given past experiences of those aware of its usual progression, and given the uncertainty of the disease's cause and its progression for each specific person; how then do people orient themselves to the experience of life with this illness, how to support those who are confronted with it, and how to provide aid or solace.
The first book length anthropological study of voluntary assisted dying in Switzerland, Leaving is a narrative account of five people who ended their lives with assistance. Stavrianakis places his observations of the judgment to end life in this way within a larger inquiry about how to approach and understand the practice of assisted suicide, which he characterizes as operating in a political, legal, and medical "parazone," adjacent to medical care and expertise. Frequently, observers too rapidly integrate assisted suicide into moral positions that reflect sociological and psychological commonplaces about individual choice and its social determinants. Leaving engages with core early twentieth-century psychoanalytic and sociological texts arguing for a contemporary approach to the phenomenon of voluntary death, seeking to learn from such conceptual repertoires, as well as to acknowledge their limits. Leaving concludes on the anthropological question of how to account for the ethics of assistance with suicide: to grasp the actuality and composition of the ethical work that goes on in the configuration of a subject, one who is making a judgment about dying, with other participants and observers, the anthropologist included.
Science, Reason, Modernity: Readings for an Anthropology of the Contemporary provides an introduction to a legacy of philosophical and social scientific thinking about sciences and their integral role in shaping modernities, a legacy that has contributed to a specifically anthropological form of inquiry. Anthropology, in this case, refers not only to the institutional boundaries of an academic discipline but also to a mode of conceptualizing and addressing a problem: how to analyze and diagnose the modern sciences in their troubled relationships with lived realities. Such an approach addresses the sciences as forms of life and illuminates how the diverse modes of reason, action, and passion that characterize the scientific life continue to shape our existences as late moderns. The essays provided in this book--many of them classics across disciplines--have been arranged genealogically. They offer a particular route through a way of thinking that has come to be crucial in elucidating the contemporary question of science as a formal way of understanding life. The book specifies the historical dynamics by way of which problems of science and modernity become matters of serious reflection, as well as the multiple attempts to provide solutions to those problems. The book's aim is pedagogical. Its hope is that the constellation of texts it brings together will help students and scholars working on sciences become better equipped to think about scientific practices as anthropological problems. Includes essays by: Hans Blumenberg, Georges Canguilhem, John Dewey, Michel Foucault, Immanuel Kant, Paul Rabinow, Max Weber.
Designs on the Contemporary pursues the challenge of how to design and put into practice strategies for inquiring into the intersections of philosophy and anthropology. Drawing on the conceptual repertoires of Max Weber, Michel Foucault, and John Dewey, among others, Paul Rabinow and Anthony Stavrianakis reflect on and experiment with how to give form to anthropological inquiry and its aftermath, with special attention to the ethical formation and ramifications of this mode of engagement. The authors continue their prior explorations of the contemporary in past works: How to conceptualize, test, and give form to breakdowns of truth and conduct, as well as how to open up possibilities for the remediation of such breakdowns. They offer a surprising and contrasting pair of case studies of two figures who engaged with contemporary breakdowns: Salman Rushdie and Gerhard Richter. Approaching Richter’s artistic struggles with form and technique in the long wake of modernism and Rushdie’s struggles to find a narrative form—as well as a form for living—to respond to the Iranian fatwa issued against him, they show how both men formulated different new approaches to anthropology for the twenty-first century.
Demands of the Day asks about the logical standards and forms that should guide ethical and experimental anthropology in the twenty-first century. Anthropologists Paul Rabinow and Anthony Stavrianakis do so by taking up Max Weber’s notion of the "demands of the day." Just as the demand of the day for anthropology decades ago consisted of thinking about fieldwork, today, they argue, the demand is to examine what happens after, how the experiences of fieldwork are gathered, curated, narrated, and ultimately made available for an anthropological practice that moves beyond mere ethnographic description. Rabinow and Stavrianakis draw on experiences from an innovative set of anthropological experiments that investigated how and whether the human and biological sciences could be brought into a mutually enriching relationship. Conceptualizing the anthropological and philosophic ramifications of these inquiries, they offer a bold challenge to contemporary anthropology to undertake a more rigorous examination of its own practices, blind spots, and capacities, in order to meet the demands of our day.
L'hétérogénéité profonde des réalités dont les sciences sociales ont à se saisir crée du trouble, mais elle laisse surtout entrevoir de nouvelles lignes de recherche. Ce que nous pointons, ce n'est pas la variabilité qui émerge nécessairement d'une enquête empirique, et qu'un chercheur s'attache en partie à réduire. Ce ne sont pas non plus les interdépendances entre des formes de matérialité non sociales et les objets que les sciences sociales ont placés au cœur de leur investigation (cultures, groupes, institutions, interactions sociales, dispositions). Par hétérogénéité profonde nous entendons cette consistance particulière des objets qui, associant les unes aux autres des entités aux capacités modulables relevant de catégories différentes, parfois au-delà de dualités fortement établies (matière et langage, nature et culture, technique et politique), obligent les chercheurs à imaginer les notions et les méthodes propres à les appréhender. En somme, des objets « composés ». Pointer cette hétérogénéité et s'y affronter a été une préoccupation de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari, puis de la théorie de l'acteur-réseau, de la sociologie des régimes d'engagement, et plus récemment de l'anthropologie des agencements globaux. Mais les fronts aujourd'hui se déplacent. Venant de différents horizons de l'anthropologie et de la sociologie, issus des mondes anglophones et francophones, des chercheurs éprouvent le besoin de re-conceptualiser les notions et de redéfinir les enquêtes qui leur sont associées. Trois directions s'en dégagent, autour de trois concepts clefs - agencements, dispositifs, assemblages –, qui forgent un regard inédit sur les lieux où règnent les objets composés : des expériences de la vulnérabilité aux lieux d'énonciation du droit, des laboratoires scientifiques à l'expression des impératifs religieux, des milieux urbains, industriels et agricoles à l'exercice du pouvoir politique. Ainsi émerge un espace de recherches, dont ce numéro met en évidence les choix, les éclairages et les manières de faire.
Dans cet entretien avec Baptiste Moutaud et Anthony Stavrianakis, anthropologues travaillant dans le domaine de la santé, Jessica de Largy Healy et Monica Heintz questionnent leur expérience internationale des comités d’éthique de la recherche, dans un contexte où les codes, institutions et protocoles éthiques nés dans le milieu anglo-saxon arrivent massivement en Europe et aussi dans la recherche anthropologique française. En réfléchissant collectivement aux enjeux, dilemmes posés et autres impératifs éthiques propres à leur champ d’étude auprès de patients et de personnel médical, Baptiste Moutaud et Anthony Stavrianakis réinterrogent les contours méthodologiques, scientifiques, déontologiques et légaux de la recherche contemporaine en anthropologie plus généralement. Dans cet entretien la notion de partage de savoirs entre chercheur et interlocuteurs est colorée par les conditions propres au champ de l’anthropologie de la santé, alors que celle de transparence dévoile des tenants institutionnels potentiellement contraires à son intention d’origine.
What do chicken farming, forest management, financial flows, university admissions, research, the neural activity of comatose patients, plane crashes, the IMF, and great Chinese temples have in common? On the face of it, not much; there are indeed essential differences between them. A chicken is not a tree, a tree is not a comatose patient, even if we speak of a vegetative state, French research may be comparable for some to a plane on the verge of crashing, but the IMF is not a temple, and the wishes deposited by pilgrims in the great Chinese temples are far more varied than the course choices that French baccalaureate holders are asked to submit on the digital higher education application system "Parcoursup." And yet all these fields are subject to administrative technologies that have made them strangely comparable. Identical logics intervene in a wide range of settings and contexts, apply to an unimaginable diversity of materials and objects, pushing the limits of formal and calculative rationality, of expertise and expert rule, to an unprecedented point. The problems of administration are not new and date back to antiquity, long before we realized that processing and controlling humans, chickens, neurons, or airplanes could be done with models sharing improbable common characteristics. Numerous works have demonstrated the long history and immensity of the problems to be solved that have confronted administrative rationalities in a range of times and places, taking up cultural, social and political configurations as varied as those of the Bronze Age, Mesopotamia, and China (Cole 2020; McMullen 2018; Oppenheim 1959; Postgate 2013; Robson 1999). But no one seems to have pointed out, despite the diversity of creative solutions devised (devices, techniques, formulas, etc.) and the heterogeneity of the fields administered, the existence and paradoxical permanence of this mysterious force of attraction (and repulsion) that is the subject of this special issue and which we have chosen to call the bureaucratic sublime.
There is an increasing focus among anthropologists on the theme of collaboration with the people they work with and with other disciplines in the university space. Frequently justified in political terms of participation, there is often less attention paid to the conceptual work in and of collaboration. In opposition to the attention given to the processes of exchange during fieldwork, there is rarely a description of the actual forms and practices created for such collective conceptual work and thinking-processes in extra-fieldwork situations. In this article, we report on an experiment in collaborative concept work at Berkeley known as ‘the Labinar'. We address a lacuna in the literature on collaboration by providing a description of how collective conceptual work can be given form and sustained with specific practices. We argue for understanding concepts as not only discursive but also as non-discursive entities, created through and emerging as objects and practices of inquiry. The article focuses on the centrality of specific moments of conceptual creation through collaboration, understood as the temporal, material and affective qualities of thinking together.
En Suisse, l’aide au suicide s’est développée de façon adjacente aux institutions médicales et juridiques, en s’appuyant sur une forte mobilisation associative. Dans les années 1990, de vives confrontations opposant associations et autorités médico-administratives ont abouti à l’adoption d’un moratoire concernant l’aide au suicide des personnes atteintes de troubles psychiatriques. C’est dans ce contexte qu’un procès pénal a été intenté contre le psychiatre Peter Baumann, qui a brisé ce moratoire en aidant Andreas U. à mettre fin à sa vie. L’article met en évidence l’hétérogénéité des positionnements des acteurs engagés dans cette affaire s’agissant d’apprécier la capacité de discernement d’Andreas U., la nature de l’évaluation faite par Baumann et la légitimité de ses actes. À travers l’étude des transformations des jugements rendus, de la première instance au Parlement cantonal, l’article éclaire les tensions internes au modèle suisse du suicide assisté.
Cet article suit la démarche d’un homme, Peter, vers une mort volontaire assistée, en Suisse, afin de saisir et d’analyser aussi bien les négociations qui l’accompagnent que la mise en œuvre de cette nouvelle manière de mourir. Deux moments sont plus particulièrement observés, qui sont révélateurs de deux enjeux différents mais liés entre eux. Le premier est l’examen médical, une des étapes du processus d’évaluation par les professionnels, au cours duquel est invoquée l’« évidence » de la demande d’aide au suicide. C’est cette évidence que l’on questionne, en estimant que les significations multiples de cette demande, replacées dans le contexte d’une histoire individuelle, sont plus justement appréhendées à l’aide de l’idée de « Neutre » ou de « désir de Neutre » telle que la définit Roland Barthes, comme la quête d’un mode d’engagement sémiotique qui élude ou déjoue des oppositions binaires. Le deuxième moment est celui du suicide assisté lui-même, dont la gestualité particulière est abordée à la lumière d’une double tradition iconographique, celle de la compassion et celle de la lamentation, afin d’en révéler les enjeux éthiques et esthétiques.
This article traces the steps taken by a particular person, Peter, towards an assisted voluntary death, in Switzerland, in order to grasp and analyse the negotiations that accompany such an undertaking, as well as the carrying out of such a contemporary manner of dying. Two moments in particular are observed, which reveal two distinct and interconnected concerns. The first moment is that of medical examination, one step of the process through which the manifest justifications for requesting assistance with voluntary death are evaluated. The article takes up the "obviousness" of the demand, considering that its multiple significations, contextualized within Peter’s life history, can more soundly be apprehended with the help of Roland Barthes’s idea of the "Neutral", or "desire for Neutral", characterised as the search for a mode of semiotic engagement that eludes or thwarts signifying oppositions. The second moment is that of the assisted suicide itself, in which the particular sequence of gestural movements during dying are grasped by way of a double iconographic tradition, that of compassion and lamentation, so as to make available their ethical and aesthetic stakes.
Response to Hau Forum, "On the anthropology of the contemporary: Addressing concepts, designs, and practices," edited by James D. Faubion, Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, Volume 6, Issue 1, Summer 2016.
This article takes Durkheim’s Le suicide as a conceptual testing ground for an ongoing field inquiry into assisted suicide in Switzerland. It tackles the question of the extent to which a Durkheimian approach to the social facticity of human practices can adequately grasp the ethico-pragmatic variation in which people give form to their lives, especially under heavily constrained circumstances. The article makes two interventions: it first draws out the conceptual significance of the asymmetry in the architecture of Le suicide, namely, of Durkheim’s explicit refusal to elaborate a fourth type of suicide (fatalistic suicide). It then presents the blind spot, and asymmetry, as constitutive of his normative scientific posture: that social science, in its modern modalities, has the means to identify the normative ends toward which social life should aim, to the detriment of a more pluralist ethical and anthropological postulate through which to grasp and understand the multiplicity of moral forms pertaining to suicide, of which assisted suicide in Switzerland provides the test case.
The emergence of synthetic biology, and off-shoots such as DIYbio, make the need for a rigorous, sustained and mature approach for assessing, and preparing for, the broad range of associated dangers and risks all the more pressing.
The chapter is an exercise in collaborative thinking and writing. The exercise begins with Max Weber’s judgement that ‘zones of inquiry’ are formed through the conceptual interconnection of ‘problems’. The authors take up this objective relative to a series of ‘objects of inquiry’: they narrate the manner in which a zone of inquiry, focused on problems, stemming from inquiry, might be forged collaboratively. The chapter is written in three broad movements: First, ‘objects of inquiry’ are narrated in an initial sequence of TEXTS; second, in a sequence of COMMENTARIES, the authors seek to draw out the conceptual operations and abstractions through which ‘problems’ could be shared; third, they test the abstracted problems relative to their objects of inquiry in a further sequence of TEXTS and COMMENTARIES. The chapter thus puts into motion an assemblage of heterogeneous objects, practices and concepts, and shows the narrative forms through which conceptual interconnections could be tested