Interaction in the Himalayas and Central Asia
Eva Allinger, Frantz Grenet, Christian Jahoda, Maria-Katharina Lang
The proceedings of the Third International SEECHAC Colloquium, held in Vienna in 2013, are devoted to the topic “Interaction in the Himalayas and Central Asia”. Divided into three parts – I. Transfer and Interaction in Central Asia and Tibet; II. Translation and Adoption of Art and Architecture in the Western Himalayas; III. Patterns of Transformation in Tibet,
Nepal, Mongolia and Central Asia – and preceded by an introduction by Christian Jahoda, past and current transformation processes of social, religious and material culture are addressed in 19 original contributions by experts from various fields of knowledge and disciplines including archaeology, architecture, art history and social anthropology as well as Central Asian, Mongolian and Tibetan Studies: Eva Allinger, Ágnes Birtalan, Isabelle Charleux, Quentin Devers, Marialaura Di Mattia, Lewis Doney, Lhagvasuren Erdenebold, Finbarr B. Flood, Hubert Feiglstorfer, Frantz Grenet, Amy Heller and Charlotte Eng, Christiane Kalantari, Maria-Katharina Lang, Marie Lecomte-Tilouine, Ciro Lo Muzio, Élise Luneau, Oscar Nalesini, David Pritzker and Tianshu Zhu.