Convivencia, desafíos cotidianos y tensiones morales en torno a los mercados informales parisinos. Una aportación etnográfica
Living together, daily trials and moral tensions around informal Parisian markets. An ethnographic contribution(Abstract) traduction Paloma Gómez Crespo y Verónica Ortiz
This paper analyzes the tensions between the inhabitants of popular neighborhoods and vulnerable people who transform the street into a space of activity and sociability, within the framework of the popular cosmopolitanism of the informal Parisian markets of recovery objects. These markets produce mixed feelings of incomprehension and helplessness, exasperation and anger, as well as indignation that can give rise to contrasting commitments, ambivalent reactions and implications. The question of the potential enlargement of the community to "foreigners"–in Simmel's sense –is raised on a daily basis. Thus, following Isaac Joseph, we can consider that the city is a laboratoryof democracy, not as a political ideal, but as a way of life, daily trials and moral tensions.
Keywords:cohabitation; indignation; moral trials; street politics; immigrant