I have been researching Metatronic angelic healing as a life pathway and as a healing practice. The Metatronic Life pathway only started around 2010 in the UK when its founder, Pippa Merrivale, a Reiki practitioner, began to channel the Archangel Metatron. It can be understood within a broader context of angelic and energy healing, and the growth in an eclectic use of Gnostic, Theosophical and other esoteric philosophies, often involving mediumistic channelling. One question is what draws well-educated individuals living in largely secular Western countries to engage with Metatronic healing? Leading from this is an attempt to understand the role of experience and praxis in relation to gnosis and theory. Western hermeneutics have tended to focus on the intellectual, rational or dogmatic elements of religious systems, often at the expense of performance, community, sensibility, intuition and well-being – elements that feature highly in accounts of Metatronic practitioners. By understanding what draws people to forms of energy healing derived from esoteric philosophies we can circumvent a narrowly epistemological distinction between permitted and forbidden forms of knowledge, or rational and irrational types of behaviour.
« Anthropologie à Nanterre » est un séminaire d’anthropologie généraliste, organisé par le Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative et le Département d’anthropologie de l’université Paris Nanterre. Le séminaire a lieu un mardi sur deux de 14h à 16h à la MSH Mondes, bâtiment René-Ginouvès, salle 308F (3e étage).
Le programme : semestre 1
Les séances sont ouvertes à toutes et tous.
Organisation : Estelle Amy de la Bretèque, Aline Hémond (semestre 1) ; Pascale Dollfus, Anne Yvonne Guillou (semestre 2)